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The obvious and most important reason for a girl to get involved in the martial arts is the capacity for self-defense that she will develop. In today’s increasingly violent world, crime can strike anywhere. Women are often times the target of sex crimes and, not knowing how to defend themselves, it can scar a young girl for her entire life. Being able to know how to defend herself is an invaluable tool as she grows up, taking her skills with her to college, and it gives not only her but also her parents a feeling that at least their daughter is safe.

The martial arts give girls the means by which to develop high self-esteem and self-confidence.

The martial arts give girls the means by which to develop high self-esteem and self-confidence. In the martial arts, everyone is valued as an individual for not only their actions but also their personality. As girls grow into their pre- teen and teenage years, there’s a multitude of issues that come with that development. Girls growing into their

bodies are subject to female bullying, clique contests and the like and so many begin to feel worthless or confused and may even venture into esteem-based diseases such as bulimia and anorexia.

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